Information » People in Your Life » Separation and Loss
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Seperation And Loss
People are social by nature and that means we generally tend to live and interact closely with groups of other people such as our families, friends, colleagues, boyfriends, girlfriends and classmates etc.
Things can get difficult when we have to be separated from those we care about or when we lose them. Sometimes people move away and out of our lives, sometimes things happen and our friendship or relationship ends with a person, tragically sometimes the people that we care about die. This can bring feelings of shock, sadness or even anger that we may never have felt before.
It is natural for many people to cry and grieve during this time, you are missing someone from your life that you care about. It’s important not to bottle up your feelings and to try to find a way of expressing them, especially if you are finding things difficult.
Always remember you don’t have to deal with this on your own, you might need help and support. If you’re finding it difficult to cope at school, college or work, always confide in someone you trust who can help you through this difficult time.