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Mandatory fields are marked with * - If you want to know more about how and why we are requesting this information, check out the FAQs.

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(This should NOT be your real name)

Tick this box if you are registering your organisation. If you are a member of an organisation but registering as yourself do not select this option.

CLIConline operates as a confidential service for you as young people. This means that what you say on CLIC will remain anonymous and for CLIC only. However, there are times when, by law, we must pass on the information you give us, if it means you, or someone else, is at significant risk of harm. This is referred to as ’child protection.’

If this is the case, we will try to contact you to let you know that we are passing the information on to other organisations which can support you. We have to do this, with or without your permission. However, we will keep in contact with you to let you know what we are doing.

Mae CLICarlein yn gweithio fel gwasanaeth cyfrinachol i chi fel pobl ifanc. Mae hyn yn golygu beth bynnag byddech yn ddweud ar CLIC yn aros yn ddienw ac ar gyfer CLIC yn unig. Er hynny, bydd yna adegau, yn �l y gyfraith, mae’n rhaid i ni drosglwyddo’r wybodaeth o rowch i ni, os maent yn golygu fod chi, neu rywun arall, mewn risg sylweddol o niwed. Mae hyn yn cael ei enw’n ’amddiffyn plant’.

Os yw hyn yn wir, byddwn yn ceisio cysylltu � chi i adael i chi wybod ein bod yn pasio’r wybodaeth ymlaen i sefydliadau eraill a all eich cefnogi. Mae angen i ni wneud hyn, gydag eich caniat�d neu beidio. Er hynny, byddwn ni’n cadw mewn cysylltiad gyda chi i adael i chi wybod beth rydym yn wneud.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. It will help us find out how you use the website so we can keep improving it for you. Everyone who completes the survey will get the chance to win £50.