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Education and Work

We want Wrexham County Borough to have a strong economy that's resilient to hard times. A place that gives everyone a fair chance to reach their potential. We want to look after the land and make sure it's used in the right way. Build the right things in the right places. And we'll keep loving technology. We'll use it to make Wrexham a place where people can get the information and services they need. When they need them. And what about climate change? It's going to change our lives. No doubt. But we want Wrexham to be a place where businesses and communities know how to adapt. That's a pretty good thing to aim for too.

In this section you will be able to find links to local services that will be able to support you through education, develop skills for employment and provide information for individuals and families to gain qualification, employment or both.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. It will help us find out how you use the website so we can keep improving it for you. Everyone who completes the survey will get the chance to win £50.