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Headaches and Migraines
A headache is an ache in the head and neck area, which can vary in strength. There are three main types of headache: tension, cluster and migraine.
Headaches can be triggered by stress, poor posture, eyestrain, alcohol, dehydration and hunger.
Tension headaches
These are the most common and tend to affect women more than men.
The symptoms are pressure on the side of the head, neck and eyes or a mild ache that gets worse throughout the day.
You can relieve this type of headache with painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. However, try not to take painkillers too regularly, as your body may become dependent on them.
Cluster headaches
These are rare and symptoms can last for hours or even days. They tend to affect more men than women.
The symptoms are sudden sharp pain on one side of the head and around one eye. The eye may become inflamed and watery.
Standard painkillers don’t help this type of headache so you need to see your doctor who will prescribe you the best treatment.
A migraine is much more than a headache and can be recurring.
Migraines are caused by constrained blood vessels in the head and neck. They can last from three to 72 hours and can leave you feeling exhausted for days after.
Symptoms include a dull throbbing pain, often on one side of the head, nausea, vomiting or dizziness, diarrhoea, sensitivity to lights, blind spots and noise.
If you persistently suffer from headaches or migraines, visit your GP for advice and a check-up