Croeso i Wrecsam Ifanc! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

What to you think of the website?

Postiwyd gan lisa young wrexham o Wrecsam - Cyhoeddwyd ar 22/09/2014 am 11:26
0 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Addysg, Amgylchedd, Pobl, Materion Cyfoes

The Young Wrexham website is designed with young people in mind and is kept up to date by youth workers at the INFO Shop, who are no longer young!
We need your feedback to prove that Young Wrexham is useful to its users, we need hard facts and feedback in order to improve the site, so we ask that you take a few minutes to complete this survey so we can make improvements and identify areas that need developing further.

The links to the surveys in both Welsh and English are is just below. It won't take long and it's very important that you complete it. We thank you!

Young Wrexham Welsh Survey 

Young Wrexham English survey

Rhywbeth i ddweud?

Rhaid bod wedi mewngofnodi i bostio sylwadau ar y wefan hon

Mewngofnodi neu Cofrestru.

Cymerwch ychydig o funudau i gwblhau'r arolwg hon. Bydd hyn yn helpu ni i ffeindio allan sut yr ydych chi'n defnyddio'r wefan fel ein bod ni'n gallu dal ati i'w gwella ar eich cyfer chi. Bydd pawb sy'n cwblhau'r arolwg yn cael y cyfle i ennill �50