Croeso i Wrecsam Ifanc! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

Exam results are out!

Postiwyd gan lisa young wrexham o Wrecsam - Cyhoeddwyd ar 17/08/2016 am 11:41
0 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Addysg, Pobl, Gwaith a Hyfforddiant

The time you have either been waiting for with excitement or dread.  Lots of young people across the country will be waiting to see if they have got the results they needed to continue further in education or to get the job they want and some young people will unfortunately have not and are now wondering what to do next, well don’t panic check out our advice and links through to different services to support you. 
If you didn’t get the marks;

1. Are you able to resit the courses? Contact your local college to see what they offer and if they can help.

2. Contact the college or university you are hoping to go to and speak to them, some universities and colleges such as Colleg Cambria offer an access course or have another course that you can apply for.  They will also have some great advice on what you can do next.  You are not the only person to not have got the grades they want so places on different courses may still be available.

3. If you needed the qualifications for a job contact the employer and discuss what’s happened, there are other choices out there for you.

Its not the end of the world not getting the results you needed, things don’t always go the way we would like them too and find ourselves on a different journey than we hoped.   

If you would like to talk please call into the info shop and speak to any of the trained youth workers about what to do next.

Rhywbeth i ddweud?

Rhaid bod wedi mewngofnodi i bostio sylwadau ar y wefan hon

Mewngofnodi neu Cofrestru.

Cymerwch ychydig o funudau i gwblhau'r arolwg hon. Bydd hyn yn helpu ni i ffeindio allan sut yr ydych chi'n defnyddio'r wefan fel ein bod ni'n gallu dal ati i'w gwella ar eich cyfer chi. Bydd pawb sy'n cwblhau'r arolwg yn cael y cyfle i ennill �50