Croeso i Wrecsam Ifanc! os gwelwch yn dda Cofrestru neu Mewngofnodi

Children and Young People's Ideas for Anti-Bullying Week, November 2015

Postiwyd gan lisa young wrexham o Wrecsam - Cyhoeddwyd ar 03/08/2015 am 13:44
0 sylwadau » - Tagiwyd fel Addysg, Amgylchedd, Iechyd, Pobl, Materion Cyfoes

Children and Young People's Ideas for Anti-Bullying Week, November 2015
Bullying is often highlighted by children and young people as an issue for them.  This was reiterated at the launch of Children in Wales' brand new project, Young Wales - Cymru Ifanc, where young people chose to combine bullying and hate crime as a priority area of work for the next year.  They felt that:
-       More education is needed on the affects of bullying
-       More support is needed for people who are bullied
-       More education is needed on hate crime
The Welsh Government has considered which area of anti-bullying work to focus on during anti-bullying week in November this year based upon the results from a previous survey. To further develop the proposed theme: Bullying is everyone's business we would like YOUR help to decide.  To help gather your views and explore ideas, we have put together this survey...
The survey should take less than five minutes to complete, and all responses are completely confidential.  We will send all of your ideas to the Welsh Government for further development and keep you informed of their decision.
The closing date to complete the survey is Monday, 10 August 2015 at 9am. 
We would be very grateful if you could share the link to the survey with the young people you support, and encourage them to share their views on this important issue.   
Many thanks 
Arolwg dilynol: Syniadau Plant a Phobl Ifanc ar gyfer Wythnos Wrth-fwlio, Tachwedd 2015
Mae bwlio yn cael ei godi'n aml gan blant a phobl ifanc fel mater iddyn nhw.  Cafodd hyn ei ailadrodd adeg lansio prosiect newydd Plant yng Nghymru, Young Wales - Cymru Ifanc, lle dewisodd pobl ifanc gyfuno bwlio a throsedd casineb fel maes blaenoriaeth ar gyfer gwaith y flwyddyn nesaf.  Roeddent yn teimlo bod:
-       Angen mwy o addysg am effeithiau bwlio
-       Angen mwy o gefnogaeth i bobl sy'n cael eu bwlio
-       Angen mwy o addysg am am drosedd casineb
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ystyried pa faes gwaith gwrth-fwlio i ganolbwyntio arno yn ystod wythnos wrth-fwlio ym mis Tachwedd eleni ar sail canlyniadau arolwg blaenorol. I ddatblygu'r thema arfaethedig ymhellach, sef: Mater i Bawb yw Bwlio, hoffem ni gael eich help CHI i benderfynu. I helpu i gasglu'ch barn ac archwilio syniadau, rydym ni wedi llunio'r arolwg yma...
Dylai'r arolwg gymryd llai na phum munud i'w gwblhau, ac mae'ch holl atebion yn gwbl gyfrinachol. Byddwn yn anfon eich holl syniadau at Lywodraeth Cymru i'w datblygu ymhellach ac yn rhoi gwybod i chi am eu penderfyniad.
Y dyddiad cau am gwblhau'r arolwg yw dydd Llun, 10 Awst 2015 am 9am. 
Byddem ni'n ddiolchgar iawn pe bai modd i chi rannu'r cysylltiad รข'r arolwg gyda'r bobl ifanc rydych yn eu cefnogi, a'u hannog i rannu eu barn nhw ar y mater pwysig yma.   
Diolch yn fawr 

Rhywbeth i ddweud?

Rhaid bod wedi mewngofnodi i bostio sylwadau ar y wefan hon

Mewngofnodi neu Cofrestru.

Cymerwch ychydig o funudau i gwblhau'r arolwg hon. Bydd hyn yn helpu ni i ffeindio allan sut yr ydych chi'n defnyddio'r wefan fel ein bod ni'n gallu dal ati i'w gwella ar eich cyfer chi. Bydd pawb sy'n cwblhau'r arolwg yn cael y cyfle i ennill �50