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Work exchanges are increasingly common, and involve swapping jobs with someone in a similar position. An exchange can also refer to an internship or period of work abroad, a bit like a school exchange.
- A work exchange can be a great way of learning new skills and understanding how somebody else works
- If you are in full time work, you might be able to use the internet to find someone doing a similar job to you in another country and organise your own exchange
- Some professions are particularly well suited to exchanges, these include teachers, librarians, manual workers and agriculture
- An exchange can often enhance your understanding of your own job by giving experience of how things work in another country
- As a young person, you can take advantage of many exchange programmes which will organise your flights, work visas and sometimes your place of work. These can be helpful as they can take a lot of the hassle out of the exchange for you. These don’t necessarily have to involve swapping jobs with someone else with organisations like UNA Exchange
- You can sometimes swap jobs, perhaps with someone within the same organisation as you. It is worth doing some research work with the person you wish to swap with and going to your employers with a firm plan