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Information » Your World » Culture » Customs


Customs are long-established habits, behaviour of a society or country.

  • Customs of a particular society can be confusing to those with different customs. For instance in Bulgaria, shaking your head means yes and nodding means no
  • Customs include how families celebrate holidays, what people eat, what people wear, how people socialise or act around others
  • For example, British customs include: Shaking hands when you greet someone, eating with a knife and fork, punctuality - arriving on time for social gatherings or meetings, drinking in a pub
  • It may sound humorous to have them explained in this way, but imagine if someone tried to shake hands with you if you had never seen it done before
  • You should also be aware of the customs of another country when you travel abroad. In many countries where Islam is widely practised, it would be very inappropriate for a woman or girl to wear revealing clothing
  • Most of the time people will allow for you not knowing things because you are not from their country, but it shows courtesy to understand other people's feelings. It might also keep you out of trouble, with other people or even with the law

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