Young Volunteers at Wrexham Museum!
Pending translation
Are you aged between 10- 15 years?
Do you love history?
Are you enthusiastic, enjoy talking to people and working in a team?
If so, why not volunteer as a Young Volunteer at Wrexham Museum?!
As a Young Volunteer you will be able to get involved looking after our displays, talking to visitors and even handling real objects on our handling trolley. There will also be opportunities to deliver craft activities to families and help out at special events!
You will need to be available the third Saturday of the month during museum opening times (10.30am – 3pm) and commit to six two hour sessions per year.
Your volunteer hours could also be used towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award or Welsh Baccalaureate.
To find out more, come along to a taster session at the Museum either on Saturday the 18th of January 2014 or Saturday, 15th of February 2014, between 11am and 12 noon. Please let us know which date you would prefer to attend.
Contact us for further information via phone: 01978 297460 or via email: