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Think Safe, Drink Safe

Posted by lisa young wrexham from Wrexham - Published on 17/12/2012 at 11:52
0 comments » - Tagged as Health, People, Topical, Drugs, Alcohol

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It’s really important to know the facts around alcohol, so you can make informed decisions

Helping you to stay safe and legal whilst still having fun.

Why take risks that could seriously impact your future prospects?

Some quick facts

about the law

-         It’s illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to buy alcohol in a pub, off-licence, supermarket or online

-         It’s illegal for and adult to buy alcohol for anyone under the age of 18 - they could actually be fined up to £5,000

-         You can be fined on the spot for underage drinking

-         Police have the power to confiscate alcohol if you are found drinking in a public place

-         If you are found repeatedly in possession of alcohol, it can lead to a conviction –seriously harming your future prospects.

Did you also know...

It’s illegal to use false or borrowed ID to buy alcohol or enter licensed premises – you could be fined up to £5,000 and possibly even a prison sentence.

How to stay safe:

-         Speak to your mum, dad, guardian or teacher about your alcohol concerns (friends and the internet may provide incorrect information)

-         Always tell a parent or guardian where you are, who you are with and what time

-         you will be back

-         If you do choose to drink, make sure you’re with a responsible adult

-         Drink spacers, not chasers – drink water or soft drinks in between alcoholic drinks

-         Make your own informed choices, don’t succumb to peer pressure.

As well as the legal facts around alcohol,

it’s really important to know about the risks of underage drinking and how it can turn your good time, bad.  Alcohol can seriously impair your judgement, causing you to do uncharacteristic things, such as:

- Saying or doing things you may regret

- Getting yourself into arguments or violent situations

- Having unprotected sex

- Putting yourself and others at risk

- Getting yourself into vulnerable situations.

All of these can lead to serious consequences such as:

- Serious injury or accident

- Unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections

- Being vulnerable to rape or sexual violence

- Receiving a criminal record

- Getting alcohol poisoning

- Long-term illnesses such as liver damage

or some cancers.

REMEMBER, that it’s not weird or unnatural to choose not to drink alcohol at all. More and more young people are deciding not to drink at all, even if they are over 18. The choice is up to you..

For more information, confidential help or advice on alcohol and drinking responsibly, contact one of these several local organisations with real expertise in the area:

Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service

01978 316750


The £5,000 question an online quiz and competition relating to buying alcohol www.5kquestion.co.uk


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