Have your say on Council budget cuts
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Have your say on Council budget cuts
The Council has to make cuts to its budget over the next 5 years as the UK Government is making all Councils across the country spend less and save money.
The council runs many services and there will be tough decisions, but as budgets are being squeezed, we have little choice but to look at how we can save money as well as what stays and what goes.
Many of the services we offer affect young people, like schools, youth clubs, libraries, community centres, leisure centres and playgrounds not to mention more general services like housing, transport and making the environment look good.
The Council needs to save £13 million pounds next year and has a range of ideas for how to save that money. We would really like to find out your views on these ideas, You can find out more about them and send in your views by going to the following page of the Council website.
You have until the 11th December 2013 to send in your views.
The Council will listen to everyone’s views before they make their final decision on the budget in February 2014.