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Funky Dragon Survey

Posted by lisa young wrexham from Wrexham - Published on 21/08/2013 at 10:10
0 comments » - Tagged as Climate, Education, Environment, Health, People, School Holiday Activities, Topical

Every year Funky Dragon completes work in these 4 Portfolio areas:

1) Education and Skills
2) Environment and Sustainable Development
3) Health and Social Care

And for the 1st year this year:

4) Welsh Language

Two young people were elected for each Portfolio theme at the AGM in Swansea to be Co-Chairs for 2013/14 and their responsibility is to lead this work and to provide the link between the Grand Council and Government in taking the priorities in these portfolio areas forward.

The co-chairs are asking you to vote for what you think Funky Dragon's top priorities should be for 2013/14 for each Portfolio theme. The results from this vote will be looked at the next Grand Council residential in October.

You will only be able to vote for one issue per theme, however if you feel you have an issue that has not been included in the vote please add your suggestion.

Funky Dragon is also interested to find out the views of young people from across Wales on a range of different topics. Towards the end of this survey you will have the chance to give your own opinions.

The results of this survey will be used in different ways for different purposes:

1) Funky Dragon will identify the priorities for its work in 2013/14.
2) Funky Dragon might use the results in support of Funky Dragon's United Nations Challenge research which will be submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and Welsh Government.
3) Local Authority (i.e. Bridgend, Gwynedd, Torfaen etc) Youth Forums and Organisations across Wales who work with children and young people might look at the results to see what issues there are in their Local Authority.
4) Anyone else who might benefit or with an interest in the results might use them to reference in their research. E.g. Anti Bullying groups will look at the bullying results.

The survey is anonymous and the information that Funky Dragon asks for is only for use in this survey, and that whilst the results will be shared with others, none of your personal information will.

Thank you.


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