Difficult Decisions 2017-18
Local Authorities in Wales continue to face reductions in the funding provided to them by national government; meaning that we all have less money to spend year after year. For Wrexham Council this means we will have around �5m less to spend over the next year; and we have already saved �25million over the last three years.
We are committed to delivering the services outlined in our Council Plan. We continue to look for ways to improve our services, making them more efficient in order to prioritise, as far as possible, our frontline services. These improvements include modernising the way we work, and reviewing staffing levels and structures to reduce costs whilst effectively delivering our reshaped services. We are also committed to ensuring that we are able to answer your enquiries at the first point of contact wherever possible, and (in keeping with the world around us) increasing our online services.
Over the past few years, you have told us what you thought about our proposals for savings, through our annual budget consultations (with more than 1,700 people taking part in last year�s consultation). Your feedback, thoughts and suggestions have informed the decisions made about the budget we have set each year, and have also informed the way we have looked to identify future savings, and transform the way we work.
Please let us know your views about the proposals we are making to create savings and generate income, by taking part in our online survey. (Paper copies of the survey are also available in The Guildhall reception, Contact Wrexham and Wrexham Library).
The deadline for responses is 26th October 2016.
The responses we receive will be taken into account by Members of the Council before they make their final decisions in February 2017.
Thank you in anticipation of your help and for your time and interest.