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Consultation on �500k savings to children and young peoples support services

Posted by lisa young wrexham from Wrexham - Published on 10/03/2016 at 16:29
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Consultation on £500k savings to children and young people's support services. Users of a range of Wrexham County Boroughs children and young people services are invited to take part in a consultation about the proposed changes to the current Education Enrichment and intervention provision that consists of Education Social Work, Youth Justice, Youth and Play Services and young people?s Health and Wellbeing Services. The consultation follows a reduction in budget of £500,000 and a proposal to reshape services to meet this saving. The proposals include closing outdoor education facilities at Nantyr, ceasing delivery of the current model of community youth services and closure of the cafe at Llay Resource Centre. The proposals also include closer integration of teams, development of new teams such as a Youth Development Team and a Restorative and Community Team, with a much clearer focus on delivery services where they are most needed. These proposed changes will have an impact on staffing levels, with redundancies predicted but every effort will be made to mitigate as many as possible. Cllr Ron Prince, Lead Member for Youth Services and Anti Poverty, said: "These are difficult times and £500 thousand has to be cut from this service following the recent budget consultation and budget setting process. We are currently consulting on how the savings can be made and I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation.  There will be changes to the service following the consultation which will start to be implemented in the 2016/17 budget year.  Staff have been informed about the changes and will be kept informed throughout the consultation period". The consultation is available on http://tinyurl.com/j875pyc and responses can be made until 13 April.

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