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Information » Housing » Homelessness » How to Avoid Homelessness

How To Avoid Homelessness

If you think you might become homeless, it is important that you take action straight away. Seek advice immediately from an organisation like Shelter Cymru or the Citizens Advice Bureau who can help.

If you are aged 16-25 years old, there are certain things you can do to prevent yourself becoming homeless.

Your first step is to contact your local authority. Depending on your personal circumstances, the local authority might be able to find you accommodation.

If you are a 'priority need', the local authority may have a legal duty to house you. You are a priority need if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have dependent children who reside with you
  • Are aged 16 or 17 years old
  • Are a person under 21 who was looked after, accommodated or fostered between the ages of 16 and 18, but is not any longer
  • Are a person under 21 who is vulnerable as a result of being looked after, accommodated or fostered
  • Are homeless or threatened with homelessness as a result of an emergency, such as a flood or fire
  • Are vulnerable as a result of mental illness, physical disability or other special reason
  • Are a person formally serving in the regular Armed Services of the Crown who has been homeless since leaving those forces Have been remanded in custody
  • Are vulnerable as a result of ceasing to occupy accommodation because of violence or threats of violence from another person

Remember, all young people are entitled to advice about homelessness and housing, but it is not a duty of the local authority to find you accommodation, unless you are classed as a 'priority need', as described above.

  • Don't rely on other people to find you accommodation if you can help it. If possible, make long-term accommodation plans before you leave home to avoid homelessness
  • If you find yourself without anywhere to stay, you can try emergency hostels, but there is no guarantee there will be room for you. If you are a women escaping domestic violence, you can usually find a place at a women's refuge but phone in advance to make sure you can be housed safely that night
  • If you are threatened with homelessness because of eviction, talk to the Citizens Advice Bureau who can offer you advice on your rights as a tenant

If you are thinking of leaving home because of a family argument or breakdown, think first. Many young people who do this can end up homeless. Visit our Leaving Home section for advice on resolving family problems and staying at home or call Llamau Mediation Services if you are worried about talking to your family yourself

Being homeless can be a frightening and dangerous experience so avoid it at all costs and always ask for help if you need it. There will always be someone who can offer you advice on what to do next.

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