Information » Environment » Energy » Energy Conservation
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Global warming is an important issue in Wales and the UK. If carbon emissions are not reduced dramatically then we are in real danger of damaging the ozone layer beyond repair
There are many things you can do to help save energy and reduce harmful emissions
Simple things can help to save energy and reduce your electricity bills, such as:
Turning the lights off when you leave a room
Buying energy saving light bulbs from your local supermarket
Turning the television off instead of leaving it on standby
Turning off your computer and monitor when you have finished using it
Turning off your stereo when it's not in use
Not turning the heating up unless you have to, put a jumper on instead
Only using the washing machine when you have a full load of washing
Don't boil a full kettle of water each time you make a cup of tea, just fill it with the water you need